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Optional Hashtags

Main Hashtags for sub-genres: (Optional)

#AC = Action

#AD = Adventure

#CF = Christian Fiction

#CON = Contemporary

#DS = Dystopian

#FA = Fantasy

#FTA = Fairy Tale Retelling

#H = Horror

#HA = Humor

#HF = Historical Fiction

#HN = Historical Non fiction

#HY = Hybrid/Illustrated Novel (For example: Diary of a Wimpy Kid)

#MR = Magical Realism

#M = Mystery

#Mem = Memoir

#MA = Mainstream

#LF = Literary Fiction

#NF = Non-fiction

#PA = Post Apocalyptic

#PN = Paranormal

#STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

#SP = Steam Punk

#SF = Science Fiction

#SH = Superhero

#S = Suspense

#T = Thriller

#TT = Time Travel

#UF = Urban Fantasy

Additional Hashtags: (Optional)

#OWN = Own Voices – Use only if you share a marginalized identity with your characters.

#BVM = Black Voices Matter – Use only if you identify as African American and/or Black.

#BIPOC = Black, Indigenous, or Person of Color

#LGBT = LGBTQIA content

#DIS = Disability content

#ND = Neurodiversity content

#IMM = Immigrant content

#IRMC = Interracial/Multicultural content

#MH = Mental Health content

We have allowed extra space for more specificity in your bios, so please feel free to use that option to go into any details you would like to express about yourself. Or feel free to use a hashtag not listed here that better represents you.